Riding River Currents

Event Details

  • Bate Island
  • 2024-05-18 8:00 to 2024-05-19 14:00

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Spring Whitewater SUP Surfing Camp

Champlain Bridge, Gatineau, Quebec

2024-05-18 8:00 to 2024-05-19 14:00
May 18, 2024


Spring Whitewater SUP Surfing Camp

Champlain Bridge, Gatineau, Quebec

2024-05-18 8:00 to 2024-05-19 14:00
May 18, 2024


Although most stand up paddlers will stick to flat water lakes and rivers, the sport actually originated in Hawaii as an off shoot of traditional surfing. Starting from a standing position and having the power of a paddle makes it easier to catch waves, but surfing in SUP has it’s own unique challenges and skills to develop in order to become proficient. So we’re going to guide you through a few key tips that will help you enjoy your time in on the Rive and learn how to catch standing  waves  more quickly and safely.

The Spring weekend camp takes place on the Wall Wave Bate Island Ottawa.

Participants should be vary comfortable in the water and able to quickly get back onto their board after falling off.